Last of the Six

As promised, here are the last of the photos of the six NOTDs from the Zoya Flash color collection. The colors are bright summery shades that make me think ‘this is what the nail polish version of a bag of Skittles would look like.’ The shades just evoke happiness.

Zoya Nail Polish - Dana Zoya Nail Polish - Dana
Dana is a grown up bubble gum pink. It’s safe enough for work and flashy enough for the bright color hungry fashionista inside of you.

Zoya Nail Polish - Dana

Zoya Nail Polish - Maura Zoya Nail Polish - Maura
Maura is a bright red that has two great features: it doesn’t stain your fingers and it goes on creamy with no streaks.

Zoya Nail Polish - Maura

All of the polishes in this collection are amazingly smooth and need two coats to look exactly like the bottle promises it will. That’s really no surprise though, because Zoya is notorious for delivering on their promises.

Do you have a favorite from the Flash collection?

Disclaimer: This product was sent to the author for review by the manufacturer/PR. All reviews on MOJ remain unbiased and unpaid. For more info, feel free to contact the author.

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Eyeko NOTD

Eyeko PolishFollowing the debut of the new colors for Eyeko, the company keeps pushing out new colors to keep the first few less lonely.

Nothing could be more interesting to hear of course, so when these three petite bottles landed in my mailbox, I could’ve sworn my mailbox was as excited for them as the one in Blue’s Clues (fess up y’all – everyone has seen an episode or two!).

Trying to choose from the three for an NOTD, I couldn’t make up my mind. I settled on the Coral Polish – for resort nails (don’t you love the descriptions?) and was pleasantly surprised.

Eyeko Coral Polish Eyeko Coral Polish

On the left is without flash under fluorescent light, and on the right is with flash. Below is without flash or bright lights. The color is a pleasant bright red. The kind where you can tell something is fresh and ripe – can you tell I have tomatoes and strawberries on the brain!?

I’m not a red polish gal but this is a color I haven’t seen many companies pull off, this one is as vivacious and in your face as I would expect a red polish to be, and really, every girl should have it.

Eyeko Coral Polish

I’m in love. How about you?

Disclaimer: This product was sent to the author for review by the manufacturer/PR. All reviews on MOJ remain unbiased and unpaid. For more info, feel free to contact the author.

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